
General framework to be filled up by you:

Check the Program so far here:

Saturday 2.9. *Personal*
Sunday 3.9. *Ecological*
Week 1 (4.9.-8.9.)
Saturday 9.9. *Aesthetic*
Sunday 10.9. *Cultural*
Week 2 (11.9.-15.9.)
Saturday 16.9. *Economic*
Sunday 17.9. *Social*

* Theme Days  S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y (PEACES)
2.9. Personal
Who am I, where am I at in my life, where do I want to be and how do I get there? How can we take care of ourselves so that we can live balanced and satisfying lives?
3.9. Ecologic How can we live in balance with the ecosystem and protect life on this planet?
9.9. Aesthetic How can we understand and be in touch with the many ways it’s possible to sense the world, each other and ourselves?
10.9. Cultural How can we appreciate and learn from our differences but also focus on what we have in common?
16.9. Economic How can we shift our values and advance towards more balanced, zero waste and humane ways of production and consumption?
17.9. Social How can we communicate with each other effectively enough to understand each other and work collaboratively to support each other?

**Entrance 3-8€ at the door to help with the space rent. Tee & Coffee for donation. You can bring your own food, share it with others if you like, or get some snacks and drinks from us.

**DE & EN: Events can be in german or english. Let us know if you can’t understand, we’ll organize a whisper translation on the spot.